

引進日本塗料 為室內無毒空間帶來新解方
「其實去看一些數據,木工、油漆師傅的平均壽命比一般人少很多,如今年輕世代過敏人比例高,或許都與這些化學物質有關!」盧柏亮提到,甲醛因有快速貼合、殺蟲等特性,是傳統建材中會採用成分,而誠庭引進日本ALES SHIKKUI漆喰塗料,不僅無甲醛、甲苯,更能達到主動淨化甲醛、分解二氧化碳、抗菌抗病毒等效果,為室內無毒空間帶來全新的解決方案。
誠庭在掌握零甲醛板材技術及日本淨化塗料優勢後,解決木板貼合及防蟲問題,也推出客製化無毒裝修診治合一服務,為消費者提供一系列服務。展望未來,誠庭以國內市場優先,也規劃進軍海外市場,預計將無甲醛膠水–誠淨樹脂,推廣至中國大陸及東南亞市場;塗料方面,將日本ALES SHIKKUI漆喰塗料逐步推廣至北美地區,以更精準的方式,服務不同國家之消費族群、大型建案。
Become “Leezen” in the Building Material Industry! Purity New Materials Aims to Build a New World of Non-toxic Building Materials
Purity New Materials Co., Ltd aims to broadcast the concept of non-toxic building materials worldwide as people today value health more hence tending to have organic goods as their choices. They would like to inform that we have a “non-toxic” option among the building materials which is now inspiring a healthier trend for customers, construction teams even the whole building materials industry to build more non-toxic and pleasant spaces.
Purity New Materials won the Golden Ship Award in the category of Potentials for International Licensing. Lu Bo-Liang, the business manager of Purity New Materials, says the Golden Ship Award has long been the motivator for small and medium-sized and startup enterprises in Taiwan. It is a great encouragement for the enterprises to win this award. The Golden Ship Award not only elevate the brand value and attract public attention but also open up new territories for the enterprises. It has been an honor for Purity New Materials making efforts in promoting non-toxic building materials and won this award. After winning this award, Purity New Materials hope to keep spreading the concept of non-toxic building materials.
Purity New Materials: Non-toxic Building Materials will Become Mainstream in 10 years
Take organic vegetables as example, Lu says the concept was underrated in the past but it has been reverted in recent year. More and more people consider organic food for necessity hence the shops promoting and selling organic good like ”Leezen” pop up everywhere. The same phenomenon should be applicable to building materials industry. The problem of interior material toxic might be unfamiliar to the public now but it is believed that non-toxic building materials will become mainstream in 5 to 10 years. Purity New Materials hope to be the leader to delight the way of health.
Air pollution including PM 2.5 has become popular social issues recently. Nowadays, people are often bothered by allergy, urging people to pay more attention to indoor air issue. The main toxics contained in interior building material are formaldehyde, toluene, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which bring potential risks to human health.
Established in 2017, Purity New Materials has dedicated to create more non-toxic and pleasant spaces based on the mind of honesty and sincerity. Starting from the base of non-toxic building material, Purity New Materials extends to revert the Sick-Building, promise to bring healthier spaces. Everyone served by Purity New Materials should be assured and relaxed to build their non-toxic home.
Introduce Japanese Paints: A New Solution for Non-toxic interior spaces
「Toxic chemicals may cause carpenters’ or painters’ life expectancy shorter than usual. The ratio of people with allergic problem increases might be the same reason based on recent statistics.」mentioned by Lu. With the characteristic of quick paste and pesticide, formaldehyde is one of the ingredients of traditional glue in building materials. The “ALES SHIKKUI” plaster paint introduced by Purity New Materials is not only formaldehyde-free and toluene-free but with the ability to decompose formaldehyde and carbon dioxide also the effects of anti-bacteria and anti-virus which bring a brand new solution to indoor non-toxic spaces.
Being proficient in the technology of both zero-formaldehyde building materials and Japanese purification paint, Purity New Materials solve the problem of plywood interlayer bonding and fulfill beetle pest prevention. Purity New Materials has offered a series of services combining customized non-toxic interior spaces renovation, diagnosis, and treatment. For further plan, Purity New Materials will consistently dedicate the service to the domestic market also look forward to serving the overseas market step by step. China and southeast Asia are their target market to promote the formaldehyde-free glue – Purity Resin. Japanese “ALES SHIKKUI” plaster paint will also be introduced to North America. Purity New Materials aims to serve everyone and countries with their specific and outstanding products.
受訪者:盧柏亮 業務長